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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-01-01  |  31KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (19 colors)
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OCR: PAGE 01 OF 03 ALIENS 00:01:24 ALIENS written by Cromax/Alchemy "Yeah !, There's something! Translate it!" ordered the commander. Kalled Everybody were watching it on sent their response to the decoding personal monitors, but if it was not machine. "They ask for a permission enough, they could also observe it on big screen on the wall. There to land!" "Aliens ... " "I know that the they are aliens. Where is the was no doubt, that this space-ship videophone?" did not came from Earth. Comandor He talks for a while with the Stays ordered absolutley radio president. "I don't know "Yes, sir. .. . Mr. silence. They were waiting for President. .. . "Of anything from THEIR side. Nothing. course, SIT .. " "I will try, Mr. Tension groved. . . President. . . . " "Certainly, sir ... " "Within six minuts it will come into our orbit!" informed Kalled. "Ok! Let them land here. Send them "Perhaps we should try to send a our position and so on You, message to them", Stays said quietly. Nolid, inform all commanders. "Maybe they' 11 answer", he added. First's level battle readiness! Stop Kalled sent a short message on all all air communication NOW. " waves. .. They waited for response ... HELP InDER HUSTE QUIT